Post Election Obama

I’ve been really impressed by Obama since the election. He hasn’t felt the need to rub salt in the wounds of his opponents. 

I’m watching a press conference where he has several of his cabinet officials being announced. In two of their speeches they made references to the last eight years. Then his bonehead VP got up and did the same thing. All that does is tick off those who lost the election.

Now I fully expect to abhor Obama at some point. Eventually, he will become like Bill and Hillary. He is, after all, further left than either of them. But for now, I’m not aggravated. I’m not condemning him. I’m letting him do his job without criticism. I feel civil towards him. I wish him well. I wish him success. I would rather see him successful and get reelected than fail miserably and get in a Republican.

I never felt that way towards Bill. I knew he was crooked and evil from day one. History has certainly proved that to be the case.  

I hope having the staff blaming everything on the last eight years is not Obama’s plan to stay clean. I’m sure they will be more offensive than Obama but I would like him to maintain a level of amenity. If he does, I will try to do the same.


I would like to start a new organization. I would call it MIDHTV. It stands for, “Make It Dang Hard To Vote”. I realize it doesn’t role off the tongue like ACORN but acronyms are not my best subject.

I’ve always held that age 18 is way too young to vote. I remember the stupidity running through my mind when I was 18. I remember thinking I would use cloth diapers when I had children so I wouldn’t pollute the environment. What was I thinking? We have Nevada just a hundred miles to the west. You could mound dirty diapers and other nuclear waste out there for ten thousand years. Not only am I fine with other states nuclear waste traveling through Utah bound for Nevada—I’m fine with other planets dumping their waste there. Ouch that was a tangent. Back to voting….

I just don’t think 18 year olds are experienced enough to vote. Realistically, 25 should be the minimum. I would prefer 30 but I don’t want to be inflexible.

There is one case where I would be for lowering the age back to 18. Remember the 70’s movie “Logan’s Run”? The movie depicts a future society in which population and the consumption of resources is managed and maintained in equilibrium by demanding the death of everyone upon reaching the age of 21, thus avoiding the issue of overpopulation. So, in the MIDHTV’s charter I would make a provision for such a change in our society. “In the event that everyone is forcibly euthanized at age 21, the legal voting age would revert back to age 18.” That seems like a reasonable variance.

Along with increasing the voting age, I would increase the barriers to voting. No typo’s there. You read correctly. I would INCREASE the barriers to voting. Voting is a privilege. In some countries people walk many miles to vote. Some risk death by voting. If you are not willing to manually register yourself, you shouldn’t be able to vote. And you better bring a photo ID with you. Fraud is serious. Someone caught stealing someone else’s vote should be branded with a capital “D” on their forehead. The D stands for “Democrat” a term synonymous with stealing votes.

If a person is not willing to go through the simple steps of manually registering, do you expect them to do the research necessary to make a well thought out decision? We live in a country where people are elected based on their looks, charisma, or other superficial qualities. That’s a lousy foundation for good government. I want someone smart, articulate and ugly. If we had uglier politicians maybe we would have less infidelity in Washington.

Another item I would change is the straight party vote. Can you imagine someone voting straight Nazi, or straight Khmer Rouge? How about straight Marijuana Party? If you can’t study the issues and form a knowledgeable opinion—just stay home. 

Poor Joe

Finally, the Obama campaign faces a real reporter but all they can do is run for cover. Biden absolutely crashed and burned. It shows that even veteran liberal politicians have no experience facing the press. I don’t consider the major news channels press. Frankly I don’t consider many of what are considered “right wing” news organizations as true press. When they get a rare interview with a liberal politician they soft toss questions so they don’t completely kill their opportunities for interviews in the future.  

The questions Joe faced had easy outs. He just couldn’t think of them because he was so shocked that the question was even asked. He never imagined a question about: ACORN, Obama’s “spread the wealth” comment or his own comment on an international crisis. These questions are nothing compared to the questions faced by Sarah Palin. It would be fun to see them face real scrutiny for just a week.

It seems like Bill O’Reilly is the only one with the guts to ask hard questions.


You know, I told my friends several months ago that this would not be a close election. Obama is so easy to beat. Sure he speaks well and yes the country is in pathetic shape but Obama is a pure socialist. Exposing his beliefs on the economy should be more than enough to kill his candidacy. His views on international relations and the military are terrifying. America is quickly becoming godless and immoral so, though his social views are not mainstream, people are willing to stomach them.

Unfortunately, I had it wrong. My friends told me that the media would bury McCain and I didn’t agree. McCain is a true centrist and has been for years. The media has been in love with him for a decade. They totally supported him in 2000. Though they certainly prefer Obama, I thought they would tolerate McCain. I was wrong. They have pulled out all the stops to kill his campaign. Of course McCain’s ineptitude when it comes to the economy hasn’t helped but I was wrong in underestimating the media. 

Personally, I can’t stand McCain. He is pathetic. As much as I can’t stand Obama, the Clinton years taught me that I can live through a liberal Democrat as president. The thing that scares me most is the unchecked nomination of judges. Since the Democrats own the Senate, we are poised for a significant shift in the makeup of the Supreme Court and a continued rise in legislating from the bench in the district courts. That really scares me.

John Edwards—Destroyer

Democrats are known for making statements targeted at intellectual light weights. They are the party of emotion. However, John Edwards made a statement the other day that I found amazing and I believe should be addressed. His candidacies have always relied heavily on agitating the lower class and that was certainly the purpose of this statement. Here it is…

“Corporate greed is killing your children’s future. Exxon Mobil’s profits last year, I don’t even know the number, was a record. How much money do these people need?” –Dec. 31 (Bloomberg)

Who exactly are “these people”? They must either be the shareholders or the employees of Exxon Mobil. Either way, I think I can speak for both groups. My father worked for Exxon Mobil for over 20 years. He supported our family with his paychecks. In addition to my father working there, I worked there several times. Finally, I am an Exxon Mobil shareholder.

First the employees: the higher the profits of the company—the higher the salaries and benefits to its employees. The higher the profits—the more job security. Higher corporate profits mean hiring more employees, which translates into opportunities for employee advancement. In a nutshell, the more money the company makes, the more employees prosper. It is not greedy to work for job security, increased paychecks and advancement.

Next the shareholders: I am a shareholder of Exxon Mobil. That makes me an owner of the company. Several years ago I purchased shares at $48. They are now worth approximately $93 a share. So to Mr. Edwards’s question: how much money do I need? Well the answer is A LOT. I want the stock to go higher and higher and higher. I want to be able to retire. I want to be able to pay off my home and I want to have enough money to pay for a kidney transplant if necessary. That isn’t greed.

Now Edwards could also be referring to a subset or shall I say a superset of employees known as executives. Being a fierce conservative you may expect me to staunchly defend corporate executives and I will. I want the officers of the company to work hard at crushing competition and maximizing profits through cost cutting. If they don’t do this, the company will not survive. An executive is like a jockey. He should be whipping his horse all the way to the finish line. They must do this because that is what the leaders of the competition are doing. Crushing competition and maximizing profits is not just good for employees and shareholders but also the consumer. It drives innovation, quality and lower prices. It makes society richer. These men are hired to fight and fight hard. They are not paid to donate corporate profits to charity, feed the poor or cure cancer. They are paid to increase corporate profits.

Now I do understand that many executives are robbing the American investor. For that you can refer to my other web site Though I have strong opinions on the subject, it is not noticeably responsible for higher gas prices.

There is no such thing as “corporate greed”. It is a false term which represents nothing. It is a term that was skillfully crafted to make those with less, angry with those who have more. It does not build, it destroys.