Entries by Jerry Winkel

Well Great!

First Utah goes to the PAC-10 and now the YMCA takes our name. YMCA shortens name, now known only as “the Y” CHICAGO (AP) — The YMCA is now known officially as just “the Y.” The Chicago-based U.S. non-profit announced Monday that it is changing both its logo and name to “the Y,” marking its first […]

Sage Grouse are a luxury

“CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to allocate up to $16 million to encourage farmers and ranchers in 11 Western states to protect sage grouse and the chicken-sized bird’s habitat.” I like Sage Grouse, they actually don’t taste like chicken, but we can’t be spending money on this. The article says, […]

Obama is right!!!

“If a school continues to fail its students year after year after year, if it doesn’t show any sign of improvement, then there’s got to be a sense of accountability.” President Obama, March 8, 2010 Unfortunately he also said it should be a last resort. I think bad teachers should be called out on a […]

Hum, what a surprise

It seems today that the most unbelievable stories come out of the educational system. The 4 year old who brings a tic tac to school and get’s suspended until he’s 17. You know–those stories. Well here is a post that unfortunately isn’t shocking. It’s not shocking because the teachers unions have the states tied up […]

Drop the Wants

We are facing a serious financial crisis in the United States. Frankly, most governments are facing serious financial difficulties and frankly possible collapse. We are in a severe recession. Government debt is through the roof. Money is being printed out of thin air at such a rapid rate that inflation is unavoidable. Of course this […]

Jordan School District Teachers—Sit Down

A colossal example of government waste was recently uncovered. The Pentagon paid $998,798 to ship two 19-cent washers from North Carolina to Texas. Yes that is extreme but government waste is historic. With the government tripling the deficit in a single year, it’s expected that waste will triple as well. Yet during this period where […]

Child Molesters

Utah has a child pornography task force. For the last two years they have been catching perverts left and right. Still they are seeing the problem rising dramatically. “In Utah, arrests for crimes related to or stemming from child pornography have increased 70 percent in the last two years.” They are also getting less federal […]

Nothing Wrong with being an Ideologue

This week President Obama made an appearance at a Republican retreat. One of his statements was, “I am not an ideologue.” I’m not sure who he thinks he is kidding because that’s a flat out lie. He’s a complete ideologue. He’s governed like an ideologue this whole year. The Republican’s didn’t refuse to vote with […]

Poor Babies

It’s disgusting watching these liberals bemoan the loss of one Senate seat. They act like it is the end of the world. They won’t be able to get through there precious socialized medicine. For Pete’s sake they had a super majority for a year. Don’t blame Republicans that you didn’t get your wildly unpopular bill in all its grandeur. It was […]