Entries by Jerry Winkel

Wikipedia sanitizes Obama’s Image

The media turned a blind eye to Obama’s past so they could get him in the White House. I thought that after the election free speech would come back. Do we have to keep censoring his record until the beginning of his second term? This isn’t communist China……yet. ________________________________ “Users of the free online encyclopedia […]

Novell good, FOSS bad

You FOSS supporters are an immature bunch. You use products every day, every hour that are protected by patents. Even the apples you eat have patents on them. To decide that invention in the lab is worthy of patenting but an invention on the computer should be free to everyone is ridiculous. Grow up. Stop […]

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter gets ripped on by the left for being harsh. She makes hard hitting comments laced with humor, just like Al Franken, Bill Maher, Joy Behar and others. I hate comparing her to them because they are intellectual lightweights. She spits out facts and statistics like a human tickertape machine. She does make generalizations […]


President Obama has said that he is “very committed” to move on the immigration issue in the next several months. “Obama admitted that pushing citizenship for illegals is difficult today. The idea ‘is probably tougher now than it was, partly because of the fact that the economy has gotten worse,’’ he said. ‘So what I’ve […]

One slipped through

Today the media took a break from its censorship of the drug problems in Mexico. MSNBC actually ran a pictorial story on the problems being faced along the border. Some of the most dangerous cities in the world are right on the US border. Violence has been spilling over into our country with the kidnapping […]

When does the campaign end?

Obama has been in office nearly a month and I don’t think a day has gone by without him making a speech. I’m starting to wonder if he only knows how to campaign. He’s good at it for sure but even my liberal brothers are hoping he will focus on governing. Wait! I don’t agree […]

Dishonest Senator Daschle

The Democrats support of Senator Daschle for Secretary of Health and Human Services is really sad. Everyone knows he was being dishonest. You can’t argue that it was a simple mistake. Let me ask a question. If you discovered that you owed $134,000 in unpaid taxes, wouldn’t you be nervous that the IRS would discover […]

Coverage of Iraq

I am absolutely dumbfounded by the rapid change in coverage of the Iraq war. Even ABC news is running stories on the daily transfer of responsibilities from the US military to Iraq. They interviewed a lovely young woman in a Bagdad as she watched her children play in a park. She was dressed like a Westerner. […]

Charlie Collier leads AMC into the dregs

One of my all time favorite movies is “Rudy”. I was able to watch it today on AMC. This morning I watched “Willy Wanka and the Chocolate Factory” which was also on AMC. Despite watching these to classic movies, I’ve decided to take AMC off our channels list. It’s just not worth seeing their smutty […]

Rooting for Oklahoma

Last night I watched the BCS championship game. I was rooting for Oklahoma because they are playing BYU next September. I wanted BYU to play the #1 team in the nation. I also have a tremendous desire to go noodling (fishing for catfish using only bare hands) for which Oklahoma is king. The fact that Urban Meyer […]