Entries by Jerry Winkel

MSNBC Propaganda

MSNBC just posted an article titled, “Drugmakers Ready $150 Million for Obama Plan”. I’m chapped about a particular line in the article. “…given the drug industry’s recent history of siding with Republicans and the Democrats’ disdain for special interests.” What? “Democrats’ disdain for special interests.” That’s not just a lie–it’s propaganda. No reasonable person, Democrat or […]

Too Bad—So Sad

I read a recent AP article called, “No More Opium, No More Money for Afgan Villagers.” In this article Afghan’s make a pathetic attempt to get the pity of the world. Here are some of their statements: “Now we don’t even have 10 Afghanis ($0.25) to give our children to buy bubble gum,” says opium […]

Obama may be right…

Rarely will I use those words but today I hear that Obama is not committing to a Moon or Mars shot. I hope he sees the value in spending our money elsewhere. I’m all for leveraging space but not for sending men to other planets. There is so little to be gained for the money. […]

Lemonade Stand

After watching Timothy Johnsons interview with President Obama for Nightline, I am convinced that the man has zero understanding of basic economics. I don’t think he’s so much as had a lemonade stand. Having someone with no experience, congress included, managing our tax code and socializing our medical industry is laughable.

Alpine School District

My boy Hunter is in 7th grade. It’s his first year of junior high and this semester he is taking health class. Based on the subject matter it sounds more like sociology than health. Recently they have been talking about drugs, mental problems and blended families. So in order to learn about these topics they watch […]

Qwest makes my blood boil

This is officially a hate blog. A hate blog about Qwest. About five months ago my father’s Internet stopped working. I tried to get it working but was unsuccessful. I called Qwest and they recommended a new modem. We purchased one and waited like 10 days for it to arrive. During this time, my father […]

Don’t Legalize Drugs

This is a dangerous time. With Obama in office the supporters of drug legalization are coming out of the woodwork. They have their far left guy in office and just can’t imagine him not being on board. So they are pushing for legalization from all angles.  The question is what does Obama think? He’s already […]


I certainly support the idea of personal accountability, which is sorely lacking these days, but it is ironic hearing this from a politician. “Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested on Monday that AIG executives should take a Japanese approach toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves. ‘But I […]

No Mercy

I honestly don’t think we have enough common ground with the rulers of this country to have a working relationship. Saudi Woman, 75, Sentenced to 40 Lashings March 09, 2009 Associated Press The sentencing of a 75-year-old widow to 40 lashes and four months in prison for mingling with two young men who were reportedly bringing […]